Radonova has developed a wide range of passive radon detectors suitable for all type of measurements. Some of these measurement solution are even unique in the world such as the Ecotrak solution.
Reknown for the quality of our measurement solution, all our product are analyzed in our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory located in Uppsala, Sweden.

Suitable for measuring the radon average concentration on the long term, from 2 to 12 months of exposure.
Suitable for measuring the radon average concentration on the short term, from 10 days of exposure ond/or during specific period of time thanks to the ON/OFF position
Mining dosimetry service
Suitable for measuring the radon dose received by workers according to the South African regulation for specific workplaces together with radon outside
The only accredited passive radon measurement solution available for measuring radon in soil in the world !
Radonova is accredited ISO 17025 to guaranty best quality
Report your radon measurement through our unique web service “My Pages”
Delivery and return using UPS express savers services and a local Hub
Our active radon measurement solutions
Radonova has developed a very diverse and orientated instrument range to fit all your needs.
All our instruments are designed and manufactured in Sweden and already equip some of the most reknown radon consultants and universities in Scandinavia and all around the world.
SPIRIT – Radon logger
Designed for continous radon monitoring on battery. Ideal for monitoring radon continuously wherever you need regardless of the connectivity or power supply available
ATMOS – Radon sniffer
Designed for radon sniffing. 90% accuracy of the radon level after only 10 min measurment. Ideal for quick and accurate radon measurements
MARKUS – Radon in soil
Designed for spot radon measurements in soil. Robust and simple instrument delivering quick results. Ideal for measureming radon in the ground or in very high radon concentration environments.
ROBIN – Radon sensor
Designed to be implemented in a global ventilation system. Ideal for driving fan systems according to radon levels.