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Radonova Laboratories 

ISO 17025 accredited radon laboratory

The global leader in radon measurement


Radonova Laboratories AB is the world leading laboratory specialized in active and passive radon monitoring. Radonova produces and anlyze radon tests monitors and develop state of the art radon active instruments to monirtor radon.

Accredited ISO 17025, Radonova Laboraty is one of the top quality radon lab around the world.

Our product range
Radonova radon detectors

About Radon

High radon exposure is the second cause of lung cancer in the world. What is radon ?  How to protect from this gaz ?

About Radonova

Radonova is an ISO 17025 accredited radon laboratory. Who is the world leading radon measurement company ?

Our measurement solutions

Large range of passives and active radon measurement solutions for all kind of situations.

Radon in South Africa

As everywhere on earth, radon in South Africa is present everywhere but in different concentrations that depends up on many factors such as the importance of the source (bedrock), the quality of the building, the habbits of the inoccupants, etc…
Despite radon being a well-known health issue in South Africa, there is no real national action plan specific for radon issues unlike what is performed for example in many european countries or in the US. Only mines and some specific workplaces are due to monitor radon gas.
Hopefully, the  International Radon Measurement Association (IRMA) guideline for workplace gives some hints about how to measure radon in a proper way. The only thing you need to do is to order your detectors.

Mandatory radon measurement in South Africa

Unlike many European and North American countries, there is hardly no directly orientated radon legislation in South Africa. The National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) has indeed not published any official national guidelines or action plan especially dedicated to radon.

However, measuring occupational ionizing radiation is mandatory in some specific workplaces throughout the country. It mainly concerns mines that are facing NORM issues and some facilities handling with radioactive materials. As radon taking a large part in NORM, measuring radon exposure in facilities with activities authorized according to section 22 of the NNR Act are due to measure radon in order to determine the global dose the workers and visitors are exposed to in those environments.

Globally, NNR Act requires occupational radiation dose for workers concerned by section 22 authorized facilities and activities not to overpass 20mSv per year over a 5 years period while not being superior to 50mSv in one year.

Regarding visitors, the limit is set to 1 mSv per year.

Apart from this, there is no other regulation regarding radon in South Africa to date.

Download the National Nuclear Regulator Act 1999

What perspectives for radon measurement in South Africa ?

In its last report published in 2022, the NNR dedicades a special chapiter to radon. A specific point is made around the lack of awareness throughout the population regarding radon exposure risk and the need for better communication towards the public.

Even though the NNR has not yet taken radon as a main objective, local initiatives are to be mentioned since the last few years, both to alert about the importance of setting up a global frame to encourage the population for more radon measurement and to set up tools to build up a better understanding about radon issues with for example the emergence of a South African Radon Map.

Newspapers interviews or publications in these objectives are to be mentionned.

While not there yet, the chance for a regulation for radon measurements in workplaces to rise in order to protect all workers and not only miners from the second cause of lung cancer is likely to happen in the coming years.

Download the National Nuclear Regulator Annual report 2022

More than 30 years experiences in more than 80 countries

ISO 17025 accredited radon laboratory

State of the art production and analysis processes

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